Telegram will allow reporting of illegal content
Telegram will now allow reporting illegal content. Here are all the details.
Telegram will now allow reporting illegal content. Here are all the details.
The app quietly edited the wording to state that it does not monitor private and group chats, as reported by CoinDesk. “There is illegal content in the application. How can I handle this?” A section titled: was added. It was previously stated that the content in chats and group chats remains between the participants. But now the section states that “all Telegram apps have ‘Report’ options,” which will give users a way to flag illegal content for the app’s moderators. Users will just need to tap on the message on Android or press and hold the message on iOS and select the Report option. They can also note links to content they want to report and send them to the service’s takedown email address ([email protected]) they can send an email.
The change came after enforcement chief Pavel Durov posted his first public comments on his channel following his arrest. Durov was arrested at an airport in France in late August as part of the authorities’ investigation into the lack of action in enforcement and failure to prevent criminal activity. He has already been released from custody, but has been cited for “complicity in the distribution of child pornography, illegal drugs and hacking software” on the messaging app and “investigations into illegal activities on the app.” partnership He was accused of “refusing to do so”.
French authorities apparently told Durov that he was arrested because they had not received any response from Telegram regarding their investigation. This is surprising, the app’s founder explained in his post, because Telegram has an official representative in the EU and a public email address.
Social Media
X is reshaping the way it pays creators
Social media giant X is making a radical change in the payment system for content creators. As of November 8, 2024, instead of paying content creators based on advertising revenue, the platform will offer earnings with a new model based on the interactions of X Premium subscribers.
Social media giant X is making a radical change in the payment system for content creators. As of November 8, 2024, instead of paying content creators based on advertising revenue, the platform will offer earnings with a new model based on the interactions of X Premium subscribers.
With this change, creators will directly earn from the interactions of Premium subscribers, beyond the revenue generated from ads displayed on their posts. In the new model, content creators’ income will be shaped according to the interactions (such as likes, comments, shares) their posts receive from X Premium users. This means that, unlike the traditional advertising revenue model, content that receives more interaction will earn more.
Previous Model: Advertising Revenue Sharing
In the past, creators received a share of the revenue generated from ads on their posts. However, the new system eliminates dependence on advertising revenue and focuses directly on the interactions of Premium users. This means creators’ performance will be measured directly against the platform’s premium user base.
Content producers who want to benefit from the new payment system must meet the following criteria:
- Being a verified user as an X Premium subscriber,
- Having at least 500 followers,
- Achieve at least 5 million impressions over a three-month period.
It is predicted that content producers will be able to earn more profits with the new model. social media giant advert He notes that it has the potential to increase creators’ earnings because it reduces dependency on revenue. However, it is not yet clear to what extent the payments will increase.
This innovation is thought to be related to the decline in advertising revenue on the platform after Elon Musk took over the Social media giant. Advertising revenues decreased by approximately 50%, causing the platform to look for different sources of income. In this context, the Premium subscription system was introduced and now this system is becoming a source of income for content producers. As a result, this new model of X emphasizes direct user interaction instead of advertising revenue to generate revenue for content creators.
Social Media
WhatsApp update will finally let you hide your background
WhatsApp will finally allow users to hide their background with a new update. Here are all the details.
WhatsApp will finally allow users to hide their background with a new update. Here are all the details.
The new software allows people to add different backgrounds to video calls, as is offered on other platforms such as Zoom. WhatsApp said the update aims to make conversations “fun and engaging.” In addition to backgrounds, the update also includes new filters that can be used on your own image, allowing it to be converted to black and white, for example. It will include low-light options as well as a “retouch” option. This feature is already available in Zoom, where it softens the skin and makes other changes. These filters should “help you feel more confident and comfortable by naturally enhancing the appearance and brightness of your environment, making your video calls more vibrant and enjoyable,” WhatsApp said in a blog post announcing the changes.
There are ten backgrounds in total: Different filters will be offered, such as Blur, Living room, Office, Cafe, Pebbles, Food, Beach, Sunset, Celebration and Forest. Filters can be used for individual searches as well as group searches. They can be opened by selecting the icon in the upper right corner of the screen. This includes various filters and backgrounds including It will offer a menu. WhatsApp said the new update will be available to everyone “in the coming weeks.”
Social Media
Twitter Looks Back for Its Old Days
Twitter/X, which entered a turbulent period after its acquisition by Elon Musk, is no longer worth even a quarter of its former value.
Twitter/X, which entered a turbulent period after its acquisition by Elon Musk, is no longer worth even a quarter of its former value.
Elon Musk’s acquisition of Twitter was one of the most talked about events in the technology world for a long time. Almost two and a half years have passed since this sensational agreement and a lot has changed during this time. As the Twitter name faded into history, it was replaced by an X. Most of the users who initially moved to other platforms as a reaction to Elon Musk also returned. Today, X is more crowded and active than ever. However, the problem is that this situation is not financially rewarded. On the contrary, in the two and a half years that have passed, the value of X has melted away.
Blue Chip Growth Fund, one of the important investment funds in the USA, updated the values of the securities in its portfolio this week. In its previous report, the investment fund determined the value of its investment in X as 19.66 million dollars, but today the value of the same shares is 4.19 million dollars. calculated. This means a decrease of 78.7 percent. So what does this mean for Elon Musk and X?
This evaluation by Blue Chip Growth Fund reveals how much Wall Street investors accept the true value of X. This means that Twitter, whose market value was 44 billion dollars before Elon Musk bought it, is only worth 9.4 billion dollars today. Known as one of today’s most important entrepreneurs, Musk caused a $44 billion company to lose $35 billion in value in just two and a half years.
Of course, it should be noted that Musk did not do this as a commercial venture. Musk, who sees himself as one of the saviors of Western civilization on issues such as freedom of expression, also took Twitter as part of this ideological stance. That’s why Musk’s priority was not to preserve the value of the company. However, it must be said that the result does not look good for Musk.
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